Weight Loss Diet Trends For 2022

One of the most commonly made resolutions of the new year is to lose weight. However, this can be difficult to achieve, partly as a result of the indulgences on offer over the festive period. To help you reach your goals, below are the most popular weight loss diet trends for 2022. 

The most high-ranking of the diet trends - The Mediterranean diet!

According to the U.S. News & World Report, the one that offers the most health benefits, including that of effective weight loss, is the Mediterranean diet. This way of eating is characterized by its low level of saturated fats, red meat, and sugars, and it’s been linked to reducing the risk of developing heart disease, as it lowers blood pressure. 

The Flexitarian diet  - focused on vegetables

This diet trend arises from the union of two terms, "flexible" and "vegetarian". It is a mainly vegetarian diet, which helps aid weight loss and is thought to lower the follower’s likelihood of developing a range of diseases. It focuses primarily on fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and veggie proteins, making it a smart and healthy choice!

The WW diet - more than a diet trend!

Weight Watchers Diet

The WW diet is focused on weight control and a holistic approach to meals. Following this diet results in a reduction in the overall amount of food consumed. Still, without exercise - it doesn't work! You would be glad to know that there are no prohibited foods, which makes it a very flexible diet, and one which often results in noticeable weight loss, especially in the short term.

Its fundamental ethic is a healthy lifestyle that includes staying active. The diet involves consuming less fat, but a greater amount of protein, and concentrated sugar.

Tired of the constant struggle to lose weight and keep it off? Get in touch with me for guidance and more tips on diet trends for 2022!


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